 解決kit 整理分辨繡線顏色的困擾

就是KIT 要整理各顏色繡線時

剛剛對照了一下Floss color charts還不錯喔!

Fabric calculators
"How much fabric" calculators will help you to figure out how much fabric you need for your cross stitch design.
Aida calculator Linen/evenweave calculator

Conversion charts
Use these conversion charts to convert one manufacturer threads to another.
DMC to Anchor conversion chart J&P Coates to DMC conversion chart
DMC to J&P Coates conversion chart J&P Coates to Anchor conversion chart
DMC to Madeira conversion chart J&P Coates to Madeira conversion chart
Anchor to DMC conversion chart Madeira to DMC conversion chart
Anchor to J&P Coates conversion chart Madeira to Anchor conversion chart
Anchor to Madeira conversion chart Madeira to J&P Coates conversion chart

Floss color charts
Thread color charts with detailed info about each thread color.
DMC color chart J&P Coates color chart
Anchor color chart Madeira color chart

Thread checklists
Check out printable lists of the thread ranges from top manufacturers.
DMC checklist J&P Coates checklist
Anchor checklist Madeira checklist


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